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Bondage without rope!  

1. februar 2023 by Kink Club
Vicky of Bondatrix

Vicky of Bondatrix

Kink Convention Underviser
These workshops will be run by Vicky of Vicky has been on the Fetish scene for over 23 years, running workshops and a fetish business for 18 of those and has presented at Kinkfest, the Rome BDSM conference, Dublin wicked workshops, Erotica, Skin Two, the BBB, to name a few. Bondatrix runs a YouTube channel of How To kink videos – look up Bondatrix. Vicky is a specialist in many practical impact play and bondage techniques, as well as the psychology of putting everything together to create a wonderful play session. Bondatrix has won the International Bondage awards and the UK Fetish Awards. This is a fantastic opportunity to come and learn with one of the most established workshop presenters on the UK fetish scene. As well as having some fun trying various pieces of fetish equipment and seeing how they feel! There will the opportunity to buy equipment during and after the classes, as well as a selection of Bondatrix’s products. Cash and cards accepted. There will only be a very small selection of the website’s 500+ products so if you are interested in a specific item please message Bondatrix before the event. This is a great chance to buy Bondatrix items in person, without having to pay the postage and customs fees for shipping from the UK!

Bondage without rope!

Dette bliver en rigtig sjov interaktiv workshop med at lære om og prøve alle mulige aspekter af bondage. Dette vil omfatte læder bondage gear såsom manchetter, armbindere, kraver, metal bondage gear såsom håndjern og kæde, tape og andre muligheder. Der vil være en masse praktiske tips om, hvordan du bruger alle disse forskellige typer bondage-udstyr, og hvordan du shopper efter dem for at få de rigtige varer til dig, og hvordan du bruger dem og får de bedste effekter ud af dem, og selvfølgelig prøv dem alle. ud! Workshoppen vil også tale om sikkerhedsaspekter omkring bondage, tips og tricks til at få mest muligt ud af din bondage leg. Til sidst vil den diskutere trældomspsykologien, hvor den tager den underdaniges headspace, og hvordan man kan påvirke denne som den dominerende.

I løbet af klassen vil du lære om og få mulighed for at prøve alle mulige interessante ideer og trældomsgenstande. Alt hvad du skal bruge for at deltage vil blive leveret og er inkluderet i prisen, men hvis du har dine egne ting du gerne vil bruge, så tag dem med. Kit vil også være tilgængeligt at købe på dagen i løbet af workshoppen (kontanter og kort accepteres), så hvis du vil fortsætte spillet senere, kan du købe alle de ting, du har haft særlig glæde af, og tage dem med hjem.

Denne workshop er velegnet til folk på alle erfaringsniveauer, uanset om du er en nybegynder, der ønsker at prøve et par ting og finde ud af om kink og hvordan man skaber en scene, eller en erfaren spiller, der ønsker at udvikle ideer til, hvordan man kan tage deres spil dybere. Det er velegnet til dominanter, der ønsker at lære at manipulere deres underdanige på et dybere niveau eller underdanige, der ønsker at prøve forskellige ting i et sikkert gruppehold for at se, hvad de laver og ikke nyder eller skifter, der ønsker at lære og prøv alt!

Erfaringsniveau for deltagere: Ingen.

Hvad skal du medbringe: Udstyr vil være tilgængeligt til at låne (eller købe) under workshoppen ellers må man gerne medbringe dit eget.

English Version

This will be a really fun interactive evening learning about and trying out all sorts of aspects of bondage. This will include leather bondage gear such as cuffs, arm binders, collars, metal bondage gear such as handcuffs and chain, tape and other options. There will be lots of practical tips about how to use all these different types of bondage gear and how to shop for them to get the right items for you and how to use them and get the best effects out of them and of course try them all out! The workshop will also talk about safety aspects around bondage, tips and tricks to get the most from your bondage play. Finally it will discuss the psychology of bondage, where it takes the submissive’s headspace and how to influence this as the Dominant.

Over the course of the class you will learn about and have the opportunity to try out all sorts of interesting ideas and items of bondage. Everything you need to take part will be provided and is included in the price, but if you have your own items you would like to use please bring them along. Kit will also be available to buy on the day throughout the workshop (cash and cards accepted) so if you want to continue the play later you can buy any of the items you’ve particularly enjoyed and take them home.

This workshop is suitable for people of all experience levels, whether you are a complete beginner looking to try a few things out and find out about kink and how to create a scene, or an experienced player looking to develop ideas on how to take their play deeper. It is suitable for Dominants who want to learn how to manipulate their submissive on a deeper level or submissives who want to try out various things in a safe group class setting to see what they do and don’t enjoy or switches who want to learn and try everything out!

Experience level for participants: None.

What to bring: Kit will be available to borrow (or buy) during the workshop or bring your own.