Singletail Masterclass
Søndag kl 13:00 til 14:45
Master Class undervisning med en-til-en coaching. Her får du finpudset dine færdigheder.
Erfarings niveau for deltagere: Erfaren eller deltaget i workshoppene Singletail 101 og Singletail Basic Cracks.
Hvad skal du medbringe: Din singletail eller bullwhip, hvis du har en.
En praksis partner, hvis du har en (hvis ikke, så kan du prøve at finde en på vores Facebook side).
English Version
Sunday 01:00PM to 02:45PM
Master Class scenario with one-on-one coaching. Here you get refined your skills.
Requirements for participants: Advanced experience level required or Participated in the workshops Singletail 101 and Singletail Basic Cracks.
What to bring: Your whip, if you have one.
A practice partner, if you have one (if not, then you can try to find one on our Facebook page).