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Nipple Play

6. januar 2023 by Kink Club

Nipple Play

Bryster er sjove at lege med! Denne workshop ser på mange måder at inkludere brystvorter i en BDSM-scene, herunder slid, klemmer (hjemmelavede og købte), vægte, ting du kan gøre med dine hænder, sug, bid, madvarer, temperaturspil, slag, knibe, midlertidigt piercinger og sundhedsrisici.

Erfarings niveau for deltagere: Intet erfarings niveau nødvendig
Hvad skal du medbringe: Ingenting


English Version

Nipples are great fun to play with! This class looks at many ways to including nipples in a BDSM scene including abrasion, clamps (home-made and bought), weights, things you can do with your hands, suction, biting, foodstuffs, temperature play, impact play, predicaments, temporary piercings and health risks.


Requirements for participants: None

What to bring: Nothing

John Pendal

John Pendal

Kink Club Underviser

Vi var så heldige at opleve John Pendal i Norge til Kinkferancen. Vi er vildt stolte over at have lavet en aftale med ham. Både med at høre hans vildt sjove standup men også høre nogle af hans vildt gode workshops, som vi også oplevede i Norge.


In 2003 I won the 25th International Mr Leather contest in Chicago, (the only Briton ever to have won the title). That led to appearances all over Europe and North America giving speeches and hosting fundraisers, talent shows and leather contests.

I started stand-up comedy in 2010. Since then I’ve performed 1,000 gigs at comedy clubs and theatres across the UK from Falmouth to Edinburgh, as well as solo shows in Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Edmonton (Canada), Fort Lauderdale, Melbourne, Oslo, Rome and West Palm Beach. Festival work includes The Big Weekend in Cambridge and Folsom Europe in Berlin. I’ve also been the MC for Mr Chicago Leather every year since 2004 and co-hosted International Mr Leather in 2012.

I tailor my material for different audiences and have experience ranging from university students to rural village halls, and military bases to fetish events. I regularly perform opening 20 minute sets, paid middles, guest M.C. spots and headline smaller clubs.

I’ve been a finalist in two national comedy competitions: Laughing Horse New Act of the Year 2015 and Old Comedian of the Year 2016.

… and yes, I will wear leather on stage if you want.

John’s Guide to Leather & Bear London – John’s Guide to Leather and Bear London (

JOHN PENDAL: Coaching For People Who Feel Like Outsiders – Coaching for people who feel like outsiders