Nipple Play

Bryster er sjove at lege med! Denne workshop ser på mange måder at inkludere brystvorter i en BDSM-scene, herunder slid, klemmer (hjemmelavede og købte), vægte, ting du kan gøre med dine hænder, sug, bid, madvarer, temperaturspil, slag, knibe, midlertidigt piercinger og sundhedsrisici.

Erfarings niveau for deltagere: Intet erfarings niveau nødvendig
Hvad skal du medbringe: Ingenting


English Version

Nipples are great fun to play with! This class looks at many ways to including nipples in a BDSM scene including abrasion, clamps (home-made and bought), weights, things you can do with your hands, suction, biting, foodstuffs, temperature play, impact play, predicaments, temporary piercings and health risks.


Requirements for participants: None

What to bring: Nothing

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