PowerPlay og Dominans i rebene.
Fokuspunkterne i denne workshop kunne være :
– at tage kontrol vs. at afgive kontrol
– inkorporeringen af både belønning, nydelse, smerte og “straf” i legen
– hjælpemidler og legetøj
– kommunikation i rebene, om signaler og kropssprog
Erfarings niveau for deltagere: Her forventes at deltagerne kan binde en stabil TK, en futomomo og andre basisbindinger. Der vil være suspension i denne workshop.
Hvad skal du medbringe: Gerne 8 jute eller hamp reb samt en ring til fikseringspunkt.
English Version
The focus points in this workshop could be:
– taking control vs. to hand over control
– the incorporation of both reward, pleasure, pain and “punishment” into play
– tools and toys
– communication in the ropes, about signals and body language
Experience level for participants: Here the participants are expected to be able to tie a stable TK, a futomomo and other basic bindings. There will be suspension in this workshop.
What to bring: Preferably 8 jute or hemp rope and a ring for fixation point.