Legende reb

I denne workshop er fokus på at få et flow i rebene, læse sin model, gå fra en binding over i en anden binding.

Erfarings niveau for deltagere: Her forventes at deltagerne kan binde en stabil TK, en futomomo og andre basisbindinger. Der vil være suspension i denne workshop.

Hvad skal du medbringe: Gerne 8 jute eller hamp reb samt en ring til fikseringspunkt.


English Version

In this workshop, the focus is on getting a flow in the ropes, reading his model, going from one binding to another binding.

Experience level for participants: Here the participants are expected to be able to tie a stable TK, a futomomo and other basic bindings. There will be suspension in this workshop.

What to bring: Preferably 8 jute or hemp rope and a ring for fixation point.

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