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Soft rope play-fight

18. august 2021 by Kink Club

Bondage workshop billede til kink konvention

Soft rope play-fight

Fredag kl 20:00 til 21:30 i Stalden. 

Du ved, hvordan du håndterer reb, eller gør du? Det er ligegyldigt – denne workshop handler om den legende interaktioner i en vennekreds. Vær forberedt på at blive udfordret af de andre deltagere og af den interaktion du selv bidrager med.

Vær forberedt på at blive udfordret af alle til den slags snæver interaktion, du får ud af det! (Enkelt fremmøde muligt)

Erfarings niveau for deltagere: 

Hvad skal du medbringe: 


English Version

Saturday at 8:00PM til 9:30PM in the Stable

You know how to handle rope, or you don’t? It doesn’t matter – this workshop is about playful interactions in a circle of friends. Be prepared to be challenged by everyone to whatever kind of ropey interaction you make out of it! (Single attendance possible)

Requirements for participants: 

What to bring:  

Is Ith

Is Ith

Kink Club Underviser
Isith started as a rope model with Vinciens and Kenyade in Vienna in 2010. In the years to follow, her passion for music, dancing and various types of unusual sports combined with her curiosity and empathy for people led to her increasingly dive into rigging, initially with emphasis on the tying style of Osada Steve. Her main interest when tying became the using and understanding of various techniques of (non-)verbal communication as well as the underlying bio-psychological processes. On her journey into rope, movement and inter-human connection, she attended several international workshops by renowned Japanese, European and American riggers. They broadened her views and strengthened her in her own path. Nowadays, she feels mostly influenced by Nicolas Yoroï, Tifereth and Yagami Ren. Since 2016, she has been continuing her study with RopuNawa with whom she is an instructor at the ’Tying with Friends’ studio in Basel (Switzerland). Having a medical and scientific background, she is before all an expert in the medical aspects of rope bondage, encompassing safety issues, nerve damage and psychological phenomena. Additionally, her strength lies in showing how to form emotionally intense moments between tying partners.