Risley P. Addix, Daniel, har de sidste 5 år været arrangør af den årlige ungarske BDSM Conferece (HunCon en 3 dage lang BDSM-konference, med deltagere fra hele verden) og BDSM Awards og af regelmæssigt afholdte BDSM fester i Budapest.
Daniel har givet flere workshops lokalt i Ungarn og præsenterer følgende workshops på Kink-konventionen;
– Forskelle mellem fødder tilbedelse og fødder fetishism (Begyndere)
– Kinks historie (mellemliggende)
– Hvordan temmer man en Mistress? (Mellemprodukt)
Daniel har holdt klasser om fetisher: generelt og hovedsageligt om fødder, sko, støvler, armhule og læder; underkastelse og kvindelig dominans.
Først startede han som en underdanig fetishist, men nu ville han betragte sig selv som en fetishist-switch, der kan finde sit helt indre indre som en hund eller en hest.
Naturligvis er han interesseret i personlige forhold, men han har uddybet sin viden om den historiske, psykologiske, evolutionære og antropologisk-religiøse baggrund af fetisjer og BDSM.

RisleyAddix,Daniel, is the organizer of the annual Hungarian BDSM Conferece(HunCon a 3 day long BDSM Conference,with participants from all over the world) and BDSM Awards and of regularly held playparties in Budapest.
Daniel have given several workshops locally in Hungary and are presenting the following workshops at the Kink Convention;
Differences between feet worship and feet fetishism (Beginner’s)
History of kinks (Intermediate)
How to tame a Mistress? (Intermediate)
Daniel consider himself as a -junior- fetish expert, on the other hand he is always open-minded and learning from others.
Daniel have been doing classes about fetishes: in general and mainly about feet, shoes, boots, armpit and leather; submission and female dominance.
First He started off as a submissive fetishist, but now He would consider himself as a fetishist-switch, who can find his completely inner self as a dog or a horse.
Naturally He is interested in personal relationships, however he has been deepening his knowledge about the historical, psychological, evolutionary and anthropological-religious background of fetishes and BDSM.