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24/7 D/s set fra Toppen

Nedslag – opslag – eller bare slag. Vil du vide mere om 24/7 D/s set fra den dominantes vinkel, er dette workshoppen for dig. Dr. Frank og hans underkastede Nova c giver dig indblik i en 24/7 D/s-relation via forskellige nedslag i opbygningen af deres egen relation. De vil komme omkring hele spektret fra det fantastiske ved 24/7 D/s til der, hvor det bliver rigtig svært. Det vil være praktisk, anvendeligt og ligetil uden omsvøb. Denne workshop har fokus på nedslag i relationen udvalgt af Dr. Frank krydret med Nova c’s vinkel på samme situationer. Der vil være en rød tråd mellem de to workshops “24/7 D/s set fra toppen” og “24/7 D/s set fra bunden”, men de kan sagtens opleves uafhængigt af hinanden.

Oplægget vil blive afholdt på dansk.

Erfarings niveau for deltagere: Intet erfarings niveau nødvendig.

Hvad skal du medbringe: Ingenting

English Version

Highlights – posts – or just hits.
If you want to know more about 24/7 D/s from the dominant’s perspective, this is the workshop for you.
Dr. Frank and his submissive Nova c will give you insight into a 24/7 D/s relationship through various highlights in the development of their own relationship. They will cover the entire spectrum, from the wonderful aspects of 24/7 D/s to the really challenging parts.
It will be practical, useful, and straightforward without any frills.
This workshop focuses on highlights in the relationship selected by Dr. Frank, complemented by Nova c’s perspective on the same situations.

There will be a common thread between the two workshops “24/7 D/s from the Top” and “24/7 D/s from the Bottom,” but they can be experienced independently.

The presentation will be held in Danish.

Experience level of participants: No experience level necessary

What to bring: Nothing