
Vi vil i dette foredrag starte med at identificere de forskellige typer smerte vi kan møde indenfor BDSM. Det giver os et godt udgangspunkt for som bund, at kunne lære at arbejde med smerte på et helt nyt niveau. Vi undersøger forskellige teknikker der kan anvendes under leg, som giver toppen mulighed for at se vores lækre reaktioner, påføre mere smerte end vi plejer at kunne holde til, og mulighed for at lege længere tid. Der gives også gode råd til, hvad toppen kan gøre for at få sin bund længere ud end i før troede muligt. Spørgsmål er velkomne undervejs. Der undervises på enten dansk eller engelsk

Erfarings niveau for deltagere: Intet erfarings niveau nødvendig

Hvad skal du medbringe: Ingenting


English Version

In this lecture, we will begin by identifying the different types of pain we can encounter within BDSM. This provides us with a solid starting point to learn, as bottoms, how to work with pain on an entirely new level. We will explore various techniques that can be used during play, which allows the top to witness our delicious reactions, apply more pain than we usually can withstand, and have the opportunity to play for a longer duration. Additionally, we will offer useful advice on what the top can do to push their bottom further than previously thought possible. Questions are welcome throughout. The teaching will be conducted in either Danish or English.

Requirements for participants: None

What to bring: Nothing

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