Lørdag kl 20:00
John Pendal er en kinky BDSM-udøver og professionel stand-up komiker, og er nu igang med sit fjerde show som i år kaldes “John Pendal: Monster”.
Det handler om alle de ting, der holdt ham vågen om natten med en følelse af skyld og skam. Det inkluderer diskussion om samtykke, seksuel inkompatibilitet og analsex.
5 star reviews from Broadway Baby [https://broadwaybaby.com/shows/john-pendal-monster/741102], The Voice [https://www.voicemag.uk/review/5927/john-pendal-monster] and The Wee Review [https://theweereview.com/review/john-pendal-monster/]

English version:
Saturday at 08:00PM
John Pendal is a kinky BDSM player and professional stand-up comedian, and is now on his fourth show and this year it is called “John Pendal: Monster”.
It’s about all the things that keept him awake at night with a sense of guilt and shame. It includes discussion about consent, sexual incompatibility and anal sex.
5 star reviews from Broadway Baby [https://broadwaybaby.com/shows/john-pendal-monster/741102], The Voice [https://www.voicemag.uk/review/5927/john-pendal-monster] and The Wee Review [https://theweereview.com/review/john-pendal-monster/]