Singletail Basic Cracks
Singletail Basic Cracks
Lørdag kl 10:00 til 11:45
En hands on workshop for dig som deltog i workshoppen Singletail 101 eller har haft en singletail pisk en smule i hånden, eller dig som kæmper med at få det til at fungere.
Her lærer du håndtering af pisken, basale cracks måder, kombination af craks, forskelle i piske, bygge videre på det, du allerede ved
Erfarings niveau for deltagere: en lille smule erfarings niveau nødvendig
Hvad skal du medbringe: Din singletail eller bullwhip, hvis du har en.
En praksis partner, hvis du har en (hvis ikke, så kan du prøve at finde en på vores Facebook side).
English Version
Saturday 10:00AM to 11:45AM
A hands on workshop for you who participated in the Singletail 101 workshop or have had a singletail whip a little in your hand or you struggling to make it work.
Here you learn how to handle the whip, basic cracks ways, combination of craks, differences in whipping, build on what you already know
Requirements for participants: a little bit of experience level required
What to bring: Your whip, if you have one.
A practice partner, if you have one (if not, then you can try to find one on our Facebook page).
Robert Dante
Robert Dante ser sig selv som Bullwhip kunstner og forfatter. Han er fire gange Guinness World Record-indehaver, forfatter af Bullwhip-kapitlet i “Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns”, producent af “Bullwhip: Art of the Single Tail Whip” DVD og forfatter af “Let’s Get Cracking! Begynder læreboren til hvordan man bruger en bullwhip. ” Skrev bullwhip kapitlet i “Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns” Talrige tidligere tv-udsendelser omfatter Playboy TV’s Night Calls, HBO’s Real Sex. Og så er han grundlægger af Houston PEP (25 + år siden), tidligere udgiver af Boudoir Noir Magazine.
Som piskekspert er han en professionel performer og underviser – han laver opvisninger på mainstream spillesteder (wild west shows, circuses) – såvel som i fangehuller og legerum.
Workshop 1: Hvordan pisken springer, hvorfor pisken springer, hvordan man bedre kan lære hurtigt og sikkert, skabe et godt fundament for at udvikle din egen stil. Hvad er hvad på pisken.
Workshop 2: Håndtering af pisken, basale cracks måder, kombination af craks, forskelle i piske, bygge videre på det, du allerede ved
Workshop 3: BDSM applikationerne af færdigheder lært i Sessions 1 & 2; lege med mennesker, skabe en cirkel af energi, karakteren af s & m
Workshop 4: Master Class Scenario, en-til-en coaching
English version:
Bullwhip artist and writer. Four-time Guinness World Record holder, author of the bullwhip chapter in “Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns,” producer of “Bullwhip: Art of the Single Tail Whip” DVD, and author of “Let’s Get Cracking! The How-To Book of Bullwhip Skills.” Wrote the bullwhip chapter in “Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns.” Numerous past TV appearances include Playboy TV’s Night Calls, HBO’s Real Sex. Founder of Houston PEP (25+ years ago), former publisher of Boudoir Noir Magazine.
As a whip expert, I am a professional performer and teacher– I play in mainstream venues (wild west shows, circuses) — as well as in dungeons and playrooms.
Workshop 1: How the whip cracks, why the whip cracks, how to better learn quickly and safely, creating a good foundation to develop your own style, the nuts and bolts of whips
Workshop 2: handling the whip, basic cracks, combining cracks, differences in whips, building on what you already know
Workshop 3: The BDSM applications of skills learned in Sessions 1 & 2; playing with humans, creating the Circle of Energy, the nature of S&M
Workshop 4: Master Class Scenario, one-on-one coaching