What is KinkConvention

In 2018, we were in Rome for their Convention. It was a very exciting experience and something completely different than we had experienced before. A very special atmosphere where everyone, even though you could not necessarily speak each other’s language, everyone spoke BDSM.
There were always new and exciting workshops and people. Meet other BDSM cultures and experience them at first hand. Is just something very special and creates a common bubble.
We felt like making a Danish version. And it got easier when we took over a BDSM club later that year, came the dream closer. so much so that in the spring of 2019 we held our first.
with 3 tracks and about 24 workshops, and about 80 guests. It was quite clear to us that we had created something that was in the direction of what we experienced in Rome. and after the following in Norway and later in Hungary.
This year we hold our 4th Con this time with 4 tracks and more than 40 workshops and 150 guests. And this year there are not the big restrictions so there will be a lot of teachers from around the world. and hopefully guests too.
so how does it go
Yes we start Thursday night with meet and greet where it is possible to meet the other guests and some of the teachers. and not least see the club.
Friday after dinner it starts with workshops. in between workshops, food will be served for the meals. when the last workshop is finished on friday there is a play night where you can use the club’s facilities as you wish.
On Saturday we continues again with workshops. Later this day, there will be a break, where the guest kan change into party clothes, before they atende the big dinner, at the club.

After we have eaten a nice meal, there will be a stand up show by John Pendel, it will of course contain little about BDSM.
After the Stand-up, there will be a great party, where there will be BDSM ALL over the club. People playing and talking.
Again Sunday morning it starts with workshops. (this means that at least 4 new workshops start every 90 minutes
and it all ends on Sunday afternoon)

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